
Power Edger

Gas / Propane Engine

Get the edge with industry-leading power

  • Fuel Type Icon
    Fuel Type: Gas / Propane
  • Weight Icon
    Weight: 150 lb (Gas Model), 198 lb (Propane Model)
  • Motor Icon
    Motor: 10.5 hp engine
  • Depth Icon
    Depth: 6mm
  • Cutting Path Icon
    Cutting Path: 18 in.
Icon Standard
Icon Option



Weight Icon


150 lb (Gas Model), 198 lb (Propane Model)

Motor Icon


10.5 hp engine

Depth Icon



Cutting Path Icon

Cutting Path

18 in.

  • Dimensions


Power Edger
Battery Icon Battery
Icon AGM deep-cycle 12 V batteries
Fuel Type Icon Fuel Type
Gas / Propane
Weight Icon Weight
150 lb (Gas Model), 198 lb (Propane Model)
249 lb.
Motor Icon Motor
10.5 hp engine
6.5 hp electric motor
Depth Icon Depth
4.5 mm
Cutting Path Icon Cutting Path
18 in.
14 in.
Current Selection

Customer Reviews

Daily edging is very important! This affects how close the horizontal auger should/could be to the ice surface which is critical for effective resurfacing.

Don Zamboni, Customer Service
Zamboni Company


Why Zamboni is the Clear Choice


Skilled training by industry experts with real-world resurfacing experience. Emphasis on materials and best practices developed by the Zamboni Company.


We continually challenge our product, putting it to the test in the harsh environment it will call home.


Easy to operate and service with simplicity by design, Zamboni has the highest residual value, while maintaining the lowest cost of operation.

Industry Leader

Worldwide, more facility owners and operators choose Zamboni than any other ice resurfacer.