Model 450

Lithium-ion Battery

Industrial strength electric power

  • Ice Surface Icon
    Ice Surface: Up to 200 ft. x 85 ft.
  • Battery Icon
    Battery: Icon Lithium-ion
  • Snow Tank Capacity Icon
    Snow Tank Capacity: 112 cu. ft.
  • Ice Making Water Tank Capacity Icon
    Ice Making Water Tank Capacity: 166 gal.
  • Blade Length Icon
    Blade Length: 77 in.
Icon Standard
Icon Option
* Accommodates a variety of battery capacities


  • Quick Charge Between Resurfacings

  • Smaller Size = Exceptional Maneuverability

  • Emission-Free Zero Maintenance Batteries

  • Hybrid Powertrain: Hydrostatic/Electric Motor


Ice Surface Icon

Ice Surface

Up to 200 ft. x 85 ft.

Battery Icon


Icon Lithium-ion

Snow Tank Capacity Icon

Snow Tank Capacity

112 cu. ft.

Ice Making Water Tank Capacity Icon

Ice Making Water Tank Capacity

166 gal.

Blade Length Icon

Blade Length

77 in.

  • Capacities

  • Dimensions

  • Standard Features


Model 450
Ice Surface Icon Ice Surface
Up to 200 ft. x 85 ft.
Up to 200 ft. x 100 ft.
Up to 200 ft. x 100 ft.
Battery Icon Battery
Icon Lithium-ion
Icon Lead Acid Icon Lithium-ion
Icon Lead Acid Icon Lithium-ion
Snow Tank Capacity Icon Snow Tank Capacity
112 cu. ft.
125 cu. ft.
132 cu. ft.
Ice Making Water Tank Capacity Icon Ice Making Water Tank Capacity
166 gal.
195 gal.
200 gal.
Blade Length Icon Blade Length
77 in.
77 in.
77 in.
Current Selection


Featured Options

  • All Options

Customer Reviews

Based on our experience with the lithium-ion Zamboni Model 450 machine, we are looking into transitioning more of our equipment to electric in the future.

We know we're saving on fuel costs and the cost of maintaining an engine. Our team is happy to not have to change propane tanks outside in the cold anymore.

Kylee Haining, General Manager
Nustadia Recreation Inc.
Crosslink County Sportsplex
Clairmont, Alberta, Canada

Our battery-powered electric ice resurfacers are expected to reduce fuel-related costs by 80% and maintenance costs by 35%.

In addition to cost reductions, we have access to improved operational and maintenance data while producing an overall enriched operator experience, with Zamboni providing valuable ongoing training opportunities for staff.

Brent Fowler, Director of Corporate Asset Management and Fleet
Kingston, Ontario
Clairmont, Alberta, Canada

Being the oil and gas capital of Canada where we've had an industry that was oil related for so long, technology needs to change and advance. I see it through my travels where I see the solar panels as you enter communities, so change is happening. The 450 couldn't have come out at a better time.

Chris Fish, Account Manager
Industrial Machien Inc.
Alberta, Canada



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Why Zamboni is the Clear Choice


Skilled training by industry experts with real-world resurfacing experience. Emphasis on materials and best practices developed by the Zamboni Company.


We continually challenge our product, putting it to the test in the harsh environment it will call home.


Easy to operate and service with simplicity by design, Zamboni has the highest residual value, while maintaining the lowest cost of operation.

Industry Leader

Worldwide, more facility owners and operators choose Zamboni than any other ice resurfacer.